Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Beginning

English 151 is a class that puts all our skills learned in High School and challenging them. We will be reading and will be responding to the things we have read in short essays. We are writing the blog to see what other classmates are writing and possibly to help each other/ learn from each other. The reading that I am most exposed to would probably be the writings that I have read in High School or books that have been referred to me by friends. The writing that I would say I am most exposed to would be poetry due to the fact that it interests me a lot. In High School I did some research papers but I mostly was exposed to writing stories about my personal life or creating stories that had my own characters, etc. The technology I am most exposed to would be the computer, it definitely has so much information so that you never get bored! It also goes hand in hand with writing seeing as you can just find different stories/poems anywhere. 


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